On the menu: commentary on all things political, especially food. 

“Food, after all, is more than just a collection of ingredients; it can carry a story of a place’s cultures, its history, its economy. – Anthony Bourdain

  • OP-ED 1 [KSSJAR001]

    August 22, 2019 by

    Political discourse, especially amongst the youth, is a cornerstone to maintaining a healthy democracy. But as a non-partisan young person in South Africa, spaces that facilitate meaningful political conversation, a pseudo-public sphere, are hard to find. This vacuum is likely a key factor contributing to youth’s apparent disengagement in politics.  The youth is going through… Read more


    November 5, 2019 by

    Athlone food scene: the outlier Up until three years ago, there was no place to get good coffee in Athlone, well, not until The Butcher’s Wife opened its doors in Belgravia Road. When one thinks of the food and beverage scene in Athlone, moreish gatsbies, mouthwatering salomies and ‘slap’ chips comes to mind. One thinks… Read more

  • OP-ED 4 [KSSJAR001]

    October 6, 2019 by

    Prisons do everything but rehabilitate, here’s why we should care: In a landmark case, transgender inmate, Jade September won her case against the Department of Justice and Correctional Services last month. The High Court in Cape Town, sitting as the Equality Court, ruled that she be allowed to express her gender behind bars. This ruling… Read more

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